Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Who Let The Dogs Out ...

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware
~ Martin Buber ~ 

Human and animals. There is a close relationship between below God creation. All these relationships have existed for a long time and still maintaned until now. Including dogs. 

There are similarities between this two province, West Sumatera and Bali. Both provinces have some similarities. Strong tribal customs, strong foundation of faith in society. Balinese with their Hindu religion and West Sumatra with the Islamic religion. And the most similar of the two is there are many dogs in each region in these two provinces. You can see many dogs. 

Talking about the West Sumatera and dogs, is actually a contradiction. Majorities tribe in West Sumatra is Minangkabau, and most of Minang people are Muslim. In Islam, dogs are regarded as impure (Haram) and contract with the animal is prohibited. Minangkabau culture makes an exception to some of the Islamic percepts, especially when it comes to protecting crops. Wild boar is a pest in West Sumatera. These wild boar damage the crops overnight. Then, to combat them, local farmers keep their dog and hunting the wild boar. 

While there is a hunting event as a tradition habit of local people, the catch (wild boar) will be given to their dogs as food. Because pigs are forbidden (haram)in Islamic law. 

To identify their pets (dog), the owner put on a necklace as a sign to other people. dogs that do not wear a necklace mean no owner. 

Have a great travelling and create your own journey.

With Leisure,

West Sumater, 23-25 Feb 2013

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