Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Adventuring Like Indiana Jones and Crossing Roots Bridge

No Luxury Just Intimacy, that a Journey
- MKS -

Do you know Indiana Jones movies?. A movie that will take you and feel the sensation of a journey and real adventure. In West Sumatera, you can find a place that bring you an adventure mode. Passing by the river with a bridge and built naturally by root. 

This root is a tourist destination, and it is very unique. The bridge is formed from the union of the roots. Condition of the bridge is becoming increasingly stronger as the size of the roots of a banyan tree that formed it. There are interesting spot under the bridge, which can be used for rafting activities also. In addition, other uniqueness related this bridge is the strength of the bridge with age bridge increasly as its age. This is different from the usual bridge the longer days will be more vulnerable.
The bridge was first made ​​by a public figure named Pakiah Sokan in 1916 with the aim to connect the two villages separated by the river. The length of the bridge is 25 M with a width of 1.5 M. It is a tourism destination for local people during weekend. 

You can reach this roots bridges in Kampung Pulut-pulut, kecamatan Bayang Utara. It is 5 KM from Padang and there's no public transportation. So, you should rent a car/bike to getting here. 

As far as I know from internet, this root bridge is longer than the existing bridge in Baduy , West Java and the root bridge in Japan.. 

Wanna try this adventure ?. 

Have a great travelling and create your own journey.

With Leisure,

Bayang Utara, 25 Feb 2013

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